Hey guys, welcome back to my Channel today is an exciting day!
Because we're going to be doing another lip filler touch up. I know I already did one of these videos, but we're going to do another one.
Because after my last touch up and this is too fat of a point, I want to tiny one of you will use this. You can see right here, it is a little bit deflated. Right here is also a little bit deflated on the lower part. So I want to put a little bit in here, I want to put a bit in here, I think I'm gonna do a little bit on the top line. Here, see if I can't fill that in. Again, we're literally talking such a small amount of filler. But I'm a perfectionist, and it's really annoying me so I have numbed my lips, which is why if I'm speaking poorly, they are very numbed. In my opinion, if you are doing any DIY treatment to your lips, you need to numb to the point that you can't feel them and you're drooling. When you start drooling, that's when you know they're good. So we're at that point. So because I was drooling, I might not be able to speak but that's fine. We have opened up the actual filler, I have been warming up in a hot washcloth. We are now going to open it so I am going to do this on camera.
Yeah, opening.
Okay, so we take off the actual needle cover for either needle you put in to the syringe, and you twist. You'll know when it's ready, and then it will come off.
Okay. So I'm going to start with my right side first, because that's the part that bothers me most I'm very numb, I am clean, I have worked everything over the alcohol. And now it's just a matter of making sure that I can inject properly and safely. I just realized as I was saying that, that although I had wiped everything with alcohol and a clean cotton pad that I had then taken a drink out of a straw I went to the kitchen etc. You can't be too clean. So especially when you're doing dry treatments and when in doubt, just re clean re sanitize. So I just sprayed more 70% isopropanol alcohol, put it on to a cotton pad that was clean out of the package and my mouth why you can't be too clean. So now let's insert the injection points. I'm going to hold my lips taut. And I'm going to be pretty quiet when I do this. Because
it's just a quiet thing.
I rest the needle up against my skin by the way
because it makes it easier.
Okay, so now I'm going to aspirate oops. Which means you hold back on the needle for 10 seconds 12345678910. No flood.
Now we're going to inject. Okay.
I still think I'm going to go next to that point and a little bit over you see Have a bit of blood I'm going to take I think on around with alcohol. wipe that off, I am going to rub with Arnica cream. Sure, as you can see, I did about a. This is a whole one mill, it's broken up into 10 increments. I did like point five of the syringe. So I'm going to right now I checked to see when I pull out I am checking to see where the needle comes through. I don't want to be super low, I'm going to aspirate
now going to inject
I created a white bump. That's interesting. I haven't had that yet.
But other people have.
It's just filler. I'm going to rub it in and massage it. Okay, so I'm going to do another one just right next to where I did that one.
Okay. Again, aspirate. Now, I'm just going to go in just a little bit.
Okay. So right now my lips are not hardly swollen, which is a really good indicator of how they're going to look. I went too low. The first time I did my lips, meaning I went too close to the wet dry border of my lip. And that created a little bit of a wonky line. Very subtle. Nobody else notices but me Even my friends were like, What are you talking about? I was like, Oh my God, this drives me insane. But I did want to fix that. So as you can tell right now before they swollen, it looks like that's mostly fixed. So I'm pleased with that. And I do want to go over here and fix that one.
I do like how these turn. I like it when the needle the longest tip is against the skin and found that it goes in the most pain free. Okay, you're going aspirate?
Okay, let it come down.
And then Okay. Okay.
Now I think I want to see about doing the border a little bit. This is going to be tricky. I haven't done the border for so sidenote. We're gonna learn together. It's fine. So I think I want to do just a little bit on each side of this edge. So do you have some scar tissue right here that's what that bump is.
scar tissue is tough.
Okay, we are going to just do a little bit
Aspirate first.
Now just the ***
Sorry, can't move the needle.
It's alright because I know it is a needle.
Okay, basically what I'm trying to do is make my bottom lip not dpointed.
But with like
very very, very little filler like it's just enough to prevent it from looking pointerd. So you can see how like basically this point was like more obvious. And it's so obvious on the side less on the side. Now I've added filler. Mind you this lip has not swollen yet. So this is just what it will look like after I massage it is just a little bit rounder. So we're going to do the same thing on this point on this side rather.
It should be easier because they don't have any scar tissue on the side. So entering at the approximate same point. Again, keeping up the line.
Let me actually let me get taut.
Okay, this is just a very little amount I'm going to aspirate first.
I when I pulled it when I aspirated
I am going to....
aspirate again.
So again just to make that look a little bit less pointed. Okay. Now looking at my lips, I feel like the site is still a little bit lower than the side my lips have always been asymmetrical. So I want to go into the top and just try and do a little bit over here. I'm going to take a clean cotton round and I'm going to spray it with more alcohol because I want to really make sure again, you cannot make sure your areas are too clean for this cleaner is better always. Now what I'm going to do is try to get the top and then make it come over a little bit.
Itchy nose
I try to get up there.
I have got to aspirate
Aspirate again.
So again, just just sort of go into that top line.
Okay, now. Okay.
So really quickly. Before we are done, I feel like I need to do just a hair more here. Why? Because you of the swelling, it looks like it's diveted just a little bit there. So again, when in doubt, clean it off? I'm literally trying to go right there. Right,
so now I really like how they look, they are going to swell from this point. Right now this feeling hasn't seemed to happen that much, it's happened a little bit more on the side than that side because this is the side I started on. But I really like the actual volume I got. Now how much did I used, I used about a quarter of a syringe. So if you saw my original video, and my touch up video, I used one syringe total. But I also did waste some product because I had flashback and I had to get rid of the product that have blood in it.
So I'm feeling really good about that. So I'm going to go, I'm going to massage. And we're going to just deal with this. And as always, don't forget, I will map I'm all over the place, I'm really excited, I think they look really good. Obviously the site is falling more to the side. So note also, when you're doing a touch up, if you're touching up one side more than the other, it's going to swell more because it swells based on the amount of product you put in each injection points and the number of injection points, right. So obviously did a lot more work to the side than the side, which means the side is likely to swell more. So don't be concerned if over the next couple of days, the side looks a lot bigger than this side. It's because of the actual swelling and honestly the product. But I'm really happy with them. I'm going to massage them with Arnica cream as I always do. And it'll probably take some Arnica tablets, and we'll link everything down below. I am not here's my disclaimer, also, I'm not a doctor, I'm not a nurse, I'm not an aesthetician, I'm not telling you to do this. I'm not telling you how to do this, I'm simply sharing with you my skincare journey. If you decide to do it, that's great. If you don't also great, I would never advise anyone to do this. I want to do this on you. If you're carrying in the comments and you're not allowed to do this. It's illegal for the record. It is not I'm legally permitted to do anything and everything I want to my body and face and I want to do this. So that being said, I order everything from Vianacare.com I really love them and love their customer service and I like their prices. So keep that in mind. I will link it up below. Also, if you want to see an update on this, let me know. You can also see whenever I go live, you'll see what they look like after the fact. So definitely stay tuned for that definitely like button down below and subscribe. I post new videos every day just to get everything in the beater out so that you don't have to thanks
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